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Gütsel Weihnachtsspende 2024 an die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfallhilfe Gütersloh

Jährlich erleiden in Deutschland rund 270.000 Menschen einen #Schlaganfall, der damit die dritthäufigsten Todesursache und Hauptgrund für Behinderungen im Erwachsenenalter ist …

Gütsel Zitate: »Narcissists are constant criticizers. They will pick apart everything you do and say. Nothing will be right. They will tell you that you are ›doing it wrong‹ and then show you how to do it their way (›doing it right‹). They will even nitpick at how we speak or the words we use. This causes us to eventually ›fall apart at the seams‹ and the narcissist can say we just can’t do anything right and point out how unstable they think we are«, Unknown

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