Amazon, Google, or Apple? Data reveals the organisation we want to work for the most

As we all have differing dreams and ambitions, the organisation we want to work for can vary. Some of us are motivated by working in sectors that offer the most financial gain, whereas others are interested in jobs that can make a real difference in the world.

But is there a particular organisation that we are most interested in working for?

Interested in this, the team at Reboot Online utilised the online analytics tool Ahrefs to find the institution with the most globally searched for vacancies online. 

Key points

  • Amazon is the organisation with the most searched for vacancies online, with 2,106,000 global online searches per month.

  • Second is the NHS with 1,646,500 global searches per month.

  • Walmart is third, followed by Google and Target.

The top 15 organisations with the most globally searched for jobs 2021 …

Reboot Online can reveal that the organisation with the most searched for jobs is Amazon, with a total of 2,106,000 total global online searches per month. The most common search variations for vacancies at Amazon include ‘Amazon jobs’ (1,600,000 monthly searches) and ‘Amazon careers’ (466,000 monthly searches). Americans are wanting a job at Amazon the most, with a total of 60% of the searches for Amazon jobs coming from the USA – followed by India (13%) and the U.K (5%).

Second is the NHS (National Health Service), with a total of 1,646,500 global online searches per month. The publicly funded health care system in the United Kingdom has seen searches for ‘NHS jobs’ come in at over 1,600,000 searches per month.

Walmart is third with a total of 813,900 global online searches per month. Those looking for jobs at Walmart are most commonly using the search term ‘Walmart careers’ (614,000 monthly searches) and ‘Walmart jobs’ (198,000 monthly searches) - 84% more than Sainsbury’s who placed 15th (125,200 monthly searches).

Internet search engine giant, Google, is fourth with 454,200 global searches per month (‘Google jobs’ ‘Google careers’ – 434,000 searches combined) - 66% more than fellow digital company Facebook who finished 14th (152,100 monthly searches). Completing the top five is Target with a total of 335,700 searches every month.


Reboot Online sought to determine the organisation with the most searched for vacancies online.

The obtained dataset covers some of the biggest organisations in the world in 2021 and was gathered from multiple online sources by using in-house metrics.

Following this, each organisation’s name was inputted into the Ahrefs keyword explorer tool, followed by the terms: ‘[organisation] jobs’, ‘[organisation] careers’, ‘jobs at [organisation]’ and ‘jobs [organisation]’.

The total number of global monthly searches for the above terms were subsequently collected.

Following the collection of data, the results were ranked in descending order, based on the total number of searches for jobs per month.

The top 15 results were presented in the final table.

All online search volumes extracted from Ahrefs are based on monthly global Google searches.

All data was collected on 13/12/2021 and is accurate as of then.

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