
Kunst und Kultur, Literatur

Lesetipps für Gütersloh: Alan Davey, »Walking the Line«

Is the common platitude “out of sight, out of mind” eroding spiritual conviction and connection? Senior pastor Alan Davey thinks so.

Von: , , Lesedauer 2 Minuten, 1 Sekunde, DOI:10.DE170236410/GÜTSEL.33100, 131.002 Views

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Walking the Line: New Book Illuminates a Path Toward Awareness, Joy and Spiritual Authenticity 

Toronto, ON/New York, NY, December 15, 2021

Is the common platitude “out of sight, out of mind” eroding spiritual conviction and connection? Senior pastor Alan Davey thinks so.

“We forget him so quickly. … We are conditioned constantly by the values of our noisy world, and we find substitutes for our Leader in a plethora of interests and desires,” Davey writes. “Subsequently, we become tired Christians who suffer from a lack of conviction, authenticity, and prophetic insight.”

Davey underscores the value and importance of understanding and following the rules of Jesus — not just for individuals but for entire communities of faith — in his new book, Walking the Line: Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus.

In it, Davey shares insightful commentary, perspectives from a rich variety of Christian sources and authors, and lessons from Jesus himself to create an accessible guide to viewing the Bible and Christ’s teachings in a fresh light. Included are original drawings from the late artist Joy Kim and study questions at the end of each chapter to help reinforce the messages. 

“The rule of Jesus articulated in Matthew’s Gospel is neither obscure nor archaic,” Davey says. “Jesus’ imperatives speak powerfully to the contemporary issues of our day, and do so by illuminating a way of clarity, simplicity and love.”

Author Alan Davey is the senior pastor of Weston Park Baptist Church, an inner-city church in Toronto, and Adjunct Professor of Christian Spirituality and Worship at Tyndale University and Seminary. He is co-author of Climbing the Spiritual Mountain (Wipf & Stock, 2014), Abba’s Whisper (Wipf & Stock, 2017) and The Passionate Bride (Wipf & Stock, 2019).

Davey is also an avid scuba diver, hiker, singer, guitarist and art lover. While writing Walking the Line, Davey was asked to officiate at the funeral for his wife’s niece, the late artist, teacher and musician, Joy Kim. While leafing through a collection from her final exhibition, “Have You Walked in My Shoes?”, Davey was inspired to include some of her oil pastel drawings of shoes, boots, and slippers in his book to represent the disciples who embrace Jesus’ imperatives in the everyday of their lives.

For more information, please visit www.daveybooks.comExternal Link, or connect with Davey at media@daveybooks.comExternal Link.

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