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Web3 @ Gütsel Online

Technik und Internet, Web3

De Nations Launches New “Treasure Hunt” Feature for Landowners

De Nations recently launched the new “Treasure Hunt” feature. “Treasure Hunt” is the new reward system for De Nations landowners. Users can open random treasure boxes when they mint the land NFT. The value of the treasure can be up to 0.1 WETH per treasure box. The first and second “Treasure Hunt” was held in Yokohama city and Shenzhen city, and two cities were completely sold out within a day. The next “Treasure Hunt” is expected to be held in Guangzhou and Dongguan in China …
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Online Marketing Choice Award
Selection Online Competence Excellence
Alliance Design Award Gold
blacksand inc.
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HDE Handelsverband Deutschland
AOK die Gesundheitskasse
Save the Ocean
Deutscher Fachjournalisten Verband
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Gütsel Print und Online by Christian Schröter AGD
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